Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Inaugural What

I think maybe the only thing harder than coming up with a name and URL for my blog, is coming up with something to write. It’s the first post and that’s a pretty weighty thing. Well here it is folks! The inaugural…the inaugural…the inaugural what? Diatribe? Seems a little harsh. Rant? Too negative. Brain dump? I have never really been a fan of that concept however aptly named it may be. I think I need a plan. Are you like this? Whenever you need to do something, something that feels big, you need to do it perfectly. My house is messy because I can’t organize it perfectly. It sounds like an excuse for being lazy, but I assure you my friend it isn’t.

Ok, on to the plan. Or perhaps purpose is a better word. So, on to the purpose of this blog. I am sure you all have better things to do than listen to me talk about myself. Or, maybe you don’t. I don’t really know, but I am going to try to make this more interesting than that. This blog will be about food, wine, movies, books, my likes and dislikes (but I’ll try to make them useful for you too), commentary on current events, my struggle with finding the purpose of my life (you like how I threw that one in there?), things I remember and the ongoing inner dialogue I have around work, life, school, and money. Basically I don’t like to be tied to one thing. I like to have options, so this blog could go in a number of directions, but I hope they will all be at least one of the following – interesting, helpful, funny, enlightening, and relatable. This would all be easier for me if I had one thing in life that I focused on and made my life’s goal, but as the great E. B. White once said “I wake up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes that makes planning the day difficult.”



MRC said...

Woo Hoo!
Now I need to update my own blog.
Peer pressure I tell ya, peer pressure.

cw said...

I like it already!!!!

Amanda M said...

Can you also tell me the purpose of my life? KThanksBye!